Better Individuals make Better Societies, Better Societies make Better Tomorrow and a Better Tomorrow make a Better World

Students Counselling Cell

AACP Student Counseling Cell is a unit, where professional, confidential counseling service is available to all students. Counseling cell provides an opportunity for any student to discuss in private any concerns which may be impacting on academic performance or personal health and well-being. In the course of the counseling process, student’s strengths are highlighted and maximized with a focus on his self-growth, self-awareness and self-acceptance.

Counseling may provide a chance to find a new perspective on the problem and often to become more accepting oneself. Counseling is generally offered on a one to one basis and is strictly confidential.

Functions of Counseling Cell

  • To promote the students development in all aspects of personal (mental, emotional, social, physical) well-being and academic growth.
  • To enable the students to gain the maximum benefit from the facilities.
  • To enhance self-esteem of weaker /slow learners / physically challenged students
  • To help students from various social, economic, lingual backgrounds adapt to the requirements of college life in a cosmopolitan mega city.
  • To ascertain students continuous progress on the path of self –awareness and discover new ways to develop their potential and talents to the fullest.
  • To help the students in solving their personal, educational, social as well as psychological problems.
  • To create awareness, prepare and motivate to create success stories and decipher plans to overcome life challenges
  • o recommend and refer to Clinical Psychologist/ Professional Psychiatrist in case of any advance support required considering the severity.
  • To organize workshops in the area of:-
    1. Stress Management
    2. Emotional Intelligence
    3. Relaxation Techniques

Objectives of Counseling Cell

  • To facilitate psychological well-being of the students through continuous support and guidance based on their needs.
  • To empower the students in recognizing their unique potentials and skills to achieve their academic goals, social and personality development, adjustment issues, career goals,
  • To maintain confidentiality of counselling interventions unless the student is considered to be at-risk for personal injury, or for committing injury to self or others. In those instances, appropriate individuals/agencies can be notified.

Students having issues can reach out to the counseling team. Their contact details are as follows

S.No Name of the Member Designation Contact Details
01 Dr. Md Salahuddin Chairman 9986662050
02 Dr. Krishna Murthy Member 8390906161
03 Dr. Vithya T Member 9986150339
04 Dr. Bhuvaneshwari Member 9986343159
05 Dr. Deepak Singh Member 8310376838