Better Individuals make Better Societies, Better Societies make Better Tomorrow and a Better Tomorrow make a Better World

Online Application Form Year 2024-2025


 D.Pharm    B.Pharm    Pharm.D    Pharm.D (PB)    M.Pharm  

Details of Applicant

 Male  Female

Parent's Details

Guardian's Details

Name of the School/College last Attended

 Management Quota  Gov. Quota  General


10th Marks Card *

Note : Add file maximum size of 10MB and file format only .jpg / .png / .pdf

12th Marks Card / Equivalence *

Note : Add file maximum of 10MB and file format only .jpg / .png / .pdf

Transfer Certificate (TC)

Note : Add file maximum of 10MB and file format only .jpg / .png / .pdf

Aadhar Card Copy*

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Passport Size Photo *

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Migration Certificate(Only for students of outside Karnataka)

Note : Add file maximum size of 10MB and file format only .jpg / .png / .pdf