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Department Of Pharmaceutical Chemistry


The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry was established in the year 1992. Since then, the Department has been actively involved in imparting a relevant knowledge base and technical skills in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry; offering engrossing research activities in the field of industrial research, development of eco-friendly and “green chemistry methodologies”, and fundamental academic research.

The Department offers excellent infrastructure with sophisticated equipment and well equipped laboratories; and knowledge in the form of a vast collection of relevant books and journals. Moreover, extensive publications in national and international journals of repute, speaks volumes of the Department's commitment to research activities.

Collaborative projects with reputed national and international pharmaceutical / research organizations have seen the Department grow in leaps and bounds in terms of its knowledge base and research capacity.


To create better opportunities and platform for medicinal chemists.


To achieve excellence in drug design.

Some of these institutes include:

  • Du-Pont, USA
  • RL Fine Chemicals, Bangalore
  • Natural Remedies, Bangalore
  • Department of Physics, Bangalore University
  • Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, IISc, Bangalore