A Pharmaceutical Society is a representative structure through which students in post Intermediate studies can become involved in the affairs of the College, working in partnership with College management and staff and parents for the benefit of the Institution and students.
Students have a valuable contribution to make to the effectiveness of their Institution and their involvement in the operation of the College is itself a valuable part of the education process for the students.
A Pharmaceutical Society provides an opportunity for students to engage in a structured partnership with teachers, parents and college administration in the operation of their Institution. Research indicates that Pharmaceutical Society can improve academic standards and reduce dropout rates in Colleges. Pharmaceutical Society can create a sense of ownership of the college and its activities among the student population.
At the end of the day, a Pharmaceutical Society will thrive only if students themselves are committed to the concept and to making it work.
The main role of a Pharmaceutical Society as set out in the Education Act is "to promote the interests of the Institution and the involvement of students in the affairs of the College, in co-operation with the board, parents and teachers".
A Pharmaceutical society will set its own objectives, which will vary from Institution to Institution. Some general objectives included in our Institution are:
A Pharmaceutical Society will identify activities that it would like to be involved in organizing, although the final decision on the activities of a Council should be agreed with Institutional management.
Pharmaceutical society is an elite, Premier society or body which is elected based on their academic performance. Only top Rank achievers are invited and made involved in this Institutional activity. They become a part of the decision making in conduction of various institutional activities like
This will create a sense of competition amongst the students to Join and become part of the elite club. They need to be toppers; they need to be talented to acquire the top positions in the Pharmaceutical Society.
President (Principal) Vice-President, Gen. Secretary, Joint Secretary, Cultural Secretary, Joint Cultural Secretary, Sports Secretary, Joint Sports Secretary, Magazine Secretary, Joint Magazine Secretary, NSS Secretary, Joint NSS Secretary, Literary secretary & Ladies Representative. Apart from that we have Class captain/Class representative for each class. All these members are elected in a mutual and unanimous decision by the toppers of each class.