Better Individuals make Better Societies, Better Societies make Better Tomorrow and a Better Tomorrow make a Better World

Product Development Activities


To make Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy a premier Research and teaching institute


To promote, coordinate and implement Research & Development among faculty members, Research Scholars and students through transformative discoveries, creative activities & innovation.


  • To facilitate and encourage research culture as means of nourishing innovative thought process amongst the teachers, research scholars and students.
  • To monitor and enhance the quality of research work of UG, PG & Ph.D projects in line with future needs.
  • To encourage & coordinate in conducting Research workshops, Faculty Development Programs (FDP) & Short term training programs (STTP).
  • To identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities available at different academic Research Institutions, research industry or government organisations.
  • Create awareness & assist Research Scholars and students on various funding opportunities available in Govt/Private organizations and encourage them to apply for grants.
  • To encourage and facilitate the publication of research work/projects in highly repute academic impact journals and conferences.
  • To facilitate AACP Research Departments in organizing national and international conferences, conventions, symposiums, workshops & seminars.
  • To establish MOU with various research institutes to promote interdisciplinary research work.
  • To facilitate all the Research departments with industry-institute collaboration to bridge the gap between the academics & Industry for improved social needs.
  • To provide AACP & its allied Institutions with comprehensive, solution-oriented services and infrastructure to support research and translation of discoveries to maximize research environment
  • Improve consultancy research services at AACP & become need of Research organizations & industry.


  • To create advanced state of art facilities and inculcate research interest amongst the students and research scholars.
  • Review and monitor the research progress of candidates registered for PG & Ph.D.
  • Scrutinize minor and major research project proposals for submission to National/ State level funding organizations
  • Monitor and assess the progress of sponsored research projects.
  • Promote and encourage multidisciplinary research, establish technology incubation centre / start-up.
  • Encourage faculty members of AACP & other Institutions to register for Ph.D program at AACP under affiliating university.
  • To prepare annual advanced research activity plan for all the departments.
  • Conduct regular workshops on scientific writing of papers and projects.
  • Conduct hands on training of advanced equipment’s for Research Scholars and students.


  • Dr. Md Salahuddin , Chairman


  • Dr. Mubeen Ghani, Professor & Head
  • Dr. Preeti Karwa, Professor & Head
  • Dr. Vithya T, Professor & Head
  • Dr. Rupesh Kumar, Professor & Head
  • Dr. Krishna Murthy, Professor & Head
  • Dr. Asha A N, Professor
  • Dr. Lalitha N, Professor
  • Dr. Monica Arora, Professor
  • Mrs. Bhuvaneshwari, Asso. Professor
  • Mrs. Ayesha Khanum, Asso. Professor
  • Mr. Rakesh Panda, Asso. Professor
  • Mrs. Suma R, Asso. Professor
  • Mrs. Tanushree, Asso. Professor
  • Mrs. Akila E, Asso. Professor
  • Dr. Ayesha Syed, Asst. Professor