Better Individuals make Better Societies, Better Societies make Better Tomorrow and a Better Tomorrow make a Better World


One-Day Workshop on Pharmacist Interventions in Optimizing Patient Care

October 25, 2018 | Thursday

A One-Day Workshop on Pharmacist Interventions in Optimizing Patient Care was organised by Pharmacon Society in colaboration with Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy on 25th October 2018. The resource person was Dr. Karthik Rakam. The workshop was attended by close to 120 delegates from various pharmacy colleges across India. 

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AICTE Youth4Work Online Aptitude Test

January 18, 2018 | Thursday

All students are instructed to compulsorily take up the AICTE Youth4Work online aptitude test in this link:

You can also refer the below links to know more about how to take up the online test and for any other information:

What did India achieve with the health related MDGs

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What did India achieve with the health related MDG testin

Why is SDG 3 important for health care professionals?

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Why is SDG 3 important for health care professionals? testing....

Anti Ragging - Mandatory Disclosure System

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Anti Ragging - Mandatory Disclosure System testing....

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